CBD contains not only anti-inflammatory properties but also analgesic and antioxidant properties, explain the experts at Hippy Collective

This compound does not produce the psychotropic effects of THC and has no risk of addiction.

We live in a society where more and more people are looking for natural products with soothing properties. That is why CBD, the medicinal ‘weed’ that neither gets you high nor hooked, is so in vogue. This compound is the main component of the resinous hemp flower, but it does not contain THC, i.e. tetrahydrocannabinol. So it has no psychoactive or psychotropic effects, which is why a lucrative “wellness hemp” market is developing, not without some controversy.

We talked to the experts at Hippy Collective about the properties and benefits of CBD, especially for those over 50. Everything you wanted to know about therapeutic hemp and never dared to ask.

How can it help a person in their 50s?

CBD can help a person over 50 in many ways. Some of the properties of CBD are: anti-seizure, analgesic, anxiolytic, anti-nausea, anti-emetic, and anti-inflammatory. As for health benefits, different clinical studies being conducted show that it has therapeutic potential for the following pathologies: chronic pain, fibromyalgia, certain types of cancer, autoimmune inflammatory diseases, anxiety, stress and depression, neurological disorders, neuropsychiatric diseases, metabolic syndromes, post-traumatic stress disorder and alcoholism, cardiovascular disorders, inflammatory bowel diseases, and chronic inflammatory skin diseases.

Given the properties mentioned above, CBD can be used to treat anxiety and prevent musculoskeletal pains typical of the elderly (which can be caused for example by osteoarthritis or arthritis). In addition, it helps to combat insomnia, which becomes more frequent as we age.

Why does it reduce joint pain?

The physical benefits of CBD are numerous as it contains not only anti-inflammatory properties but also analgesic and antioxidant properties. Its use helps to relieve chronic pain, inflammation caused by intense sporting activity, arthritis pain, or fibromyalgia.

It activates the receptors of the endocannabinoid system and blocks the transmission of the pain signal. Also, being classified as a powerful antioxidant, it accelerates the process of muscle regeneration and even prevents the increase of these pains.

What about headaches?

Although there is still too much research to be done to make categorical statements, studies on the use of CBD to combat migraines and headaches are promising. In this regard, it has been shown to significantly reduce the frequency and severity of migraines and, because it has neuroprotective properties, it helps prevent attacks.

Does it help you sleep better at night?

According to the Spanish Sleep Society, more than 30% of Spaniards wake up with the feeling of not having had enough rest and 12% suffer from chronic insomnia. This can be caused by stress, physical discomfort, excessive thoughts, anguish, and, of course, by the excessive use of technological devices that emit blue light, which alters the production of melatonin and disorganizes the hours of sleep. For more insights and further information about taking CBD, please click over here to know more.

Science has pointed out that CBD is useful to alleviate symptoms such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorders, and muscle, and joint pain. However, it is also attributed with qualities that help promote rest and sleep due to its anxiolytic properties (which reduce anxiety), analgesic and anti-inflammatory (to alleviate pain), and its effect as a regulator of the sleep-wake cycle (which helps to have a deeper and more relaxed sleep without being a sedative).